Praise For the Book
Thank you for sharing the preview of ‘A Fresh Look at Judging Floral Design’ with me. It is a much needed, long overdue complete and new look at judging. You have handled an ambitious and overwhelming undertaking with insight and careful planning.The challenge of artistic judging involves quantifying a creative concept, and a good judge continues to pursue not only increasing knowledge of design, but also the ability to effectively evaluate and describe designs both to exhibitors and to the public.
‘A Fresh Look at Judging Floral Design’ thoroughly addresses all aspects of the design process including elements and principles, mechanics and craftsmanship, and the more subjective aesthetic qualities. The book is comprehensive and universal—an innovative and up-to-date guide for all involved with the judging process. Examples, interactive exercises, and pictures make it very readable as well. Descriptions of the EPTAS are well-articulated and easy to comprehend.
This book will be useful not only for flower show judges but for all designers and exhibitors. I look forward to using it in planning classes for students at Longwood Gardens and for our GCA judging workshops.
Congratulations on a job well done! This is an exciting addition to the collection of works on judging and design.
My first impression from opening and scanning the Table of Contents was, ‘Wow…here is proof that judging is a credible sort of thing!’ Then I noticed how positive the content is. As I got a little further into the book I realized how comprehensive it is. Then the organization of the content becomes apparent. By now I am actually feeling that my own thoughts are organizing themselves… according to the information in the book. Finally I feel more confident that I can be a truly credible and stress-free judge because I see how to organize and prioritize my thoughts while judging.This is a ‘must-have’ book for judges and teachers; it is a ‘standard setter’ and ‘confidence builder’ for any designer and competitor. One of a kind! Destined to become the standard reference icon for years to come!
‘A Fresh Look at Judging Floral Design’ by Kathy Whalen AIFD and Hitomi Gilliam AIFD should be required reading for florists of all levels. This book includes something for every florist, advanced or just beginning. The theories and concepts are detailed and carefully explained. The text is easy to follow and filled with diagrams to visually expand upon the concept.Beginning florists can use it for guidelines and direction in their designing education. Advanced florists can refer to the guidelines as they hone their skills to perfection and prepare for design competitions. Lastly, design judges, teachers or mentors can utilize the guidelines for evaluation as they communicate their knowledge in the classroom or testing environment. Thank you to Kathy and Hitomi for the enormous effort put forth.
Never before has there been such a comprehensive compendium of floral theory, technique and aesthetics available to the contemporary floral designer. This is certainly going to be the ‘go-to’ book for today’s floral artists.
‘A Fresh Look at Judging Floral Design’ is a definitive book on the art of judging and creating award-winning arrangements. This book will define how floral design will be judged for decades to come.Authentic, illuminating, and well thought out, this book is a must-have for the novice, experienced designer, or judge who seeks a deeper understanding of the subtle nuances of judging and arranging flowers.
Bravo, Hitomi and Kathy!