Speaking Your Language!
For centuries, people have “discussed” art, so it’s not surprising that thru the ages a language, “a vocabulary” developed to describe art and design – for architecture, painting, dance, graphic arts, websites, floral design, etc.
From New York to New Zealand, from New Delhi to Newcastle on Tyne, ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN are the “vocabulary” that has come to express common understandings and ideas about art and design. Indeed, they do not belong to any one person or organization, nor to any one country. They are the property of all mankind, and have belonged to them from the beginning of time. They are UNIVERSAL!
“A Fresh Look at Judging Floral Design, A Guide for Judges, Designers, Teachers, Mentors and Hosts” explores the “vocabulary of the arts,” nurturing a strong understanding of Elements and Principles of Design and how they function.
Increased understanding unlocks how to infuse expressive content into design, whether a designer, teacher, judge, or regardless of which organization is involved. And it unlocks how to see and recognize excellence in design. The tools presented in the book, the Elements and Principles and more, are relevant around the globe.
Scoring by competent judges, with consistency to an organization’s standards, brings integrity to the process, along with fair and just results. Depth of understanding of Elements and Principles is critical to applying a system of scoring.
NOTE: Some aspects fall beyond the scope of the book, such as the ‘application of details of judging’, for example, the number of points to be allotted to particular Elements or Principles of Design. These details are appropriate for each organization to determine internally.